
게시글 검색
[한국전자통신연구원] 스마트공항과 차세대 보안검색 기술
2019-04-09 07:47:00

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 스마트공항의 개념 및 특징
Ⅲ. 차세대 공항 보안검색 기술
Ⅳ. WT형 스마트 보안검색 시스템
Ⅴ. 결론


Airport is shifted airport 1.0 to airport 4.0 called smart airport and services paradigm is changed into direction to point the customer targeted benefits. Smart airports make use of integrated Internet of Things components to provide added-value services. By integrating smart components, airports are being exposed to a larger attack surface and new attack vectors. Self services such as web or mobile check-in, self check-in/tagging/back drop/boarding, etc. should be strengthened to make airport processes smarter, and technologies such as automatic immigration, smart security search, and automatic AI-based baggage search should be applied. In this paper, we describe the necessity and importance of smart airports and next generation security screening technology. Further, we describe a walk through-type smart security screening system.






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