
게시글 검색
[한국전자통신연구원] 데이터 중심 초분산 자율 인프라 기술
2019-02-20 10:59:19

Ⅰ. 서론 
Ⅱ. 자율 분산 프레임워크 기술 
Ⅲ. 데이터 중심 전달 기술 
Ⅳ. 데이터 중심 분배 기술 
Ⅴ. 데이터 중심 인-네트워크 프로세싱 기술 
Ⅵ. 공유/거래 마켓플레이스 기술 
Ⅶ. 자율 제어/관리 기술 
Ⅷ. 결론  


Various hyper-intelligent and ultra-realistic data-driven services are being increasingly developed with the goal of achieving a hyper-connected intelligent society. To sustain this trend, our research focuses on the integration and optimization of data-driven applications from several aspects such as delivery, storage, execution, and sharing of data and software, beyond the limitations of the existing network infrastructure. In this paper, we present important research issues of data-centric hyper-distributed autonomous infrastructure technologies.




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